Multi-channel Kondo effect in finite lattices

Bachelor's thesis for the degree of B.Sc. in Physics at the University of Hamburg, 2016

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A first-order perturbative approach to the Kondo model in the low energy scale for nanoscale systems is presented. The coupling between any amount of magnetic impurities, modelled as quantum spins, and spin orbitals in a metallic lattice can be anisotropic and both local and non-local. While the lattice dimension and geometry can be chosen freely, the Fermi energy level needs to be incompletely occupied. The result is an effective coupling model, giving control over the distinction between under-, complete and overscreening. Numerical calculations on exemplary one-dimensional systems are then evaluated and briefly discussed, one of which is a system frequently used to discuss and measure overscreening.

Recommended citation: Y. Couzinié. “Multi-channel Kondo effect in finite lattices”. Bachelor’s thesis, University of Hamburg, 2016.

BibTeX (also as a download):

        author = "Yannick Couzini\'{e}",
        title = "Multi-channel Kondo effect in finite lattices",
        school = "University of Hamburg",
        year = "2016",
        address = "Hamburg, Germany",
        month = sep